This often manifests as blood-related cancers and other ailments. Since it is not found in all products and is not a required ingredient, any sunscreen benzene levels should be considered unreasonably dangerous and unacceptable.īenzene is a Class I solvent, which is known to interfere with cell function. However, Neutrogena, Aveeno, Coppertone and other recalled sunscreen have been found to contain unsafe levels of benzene. When the presence of the chemical is unavoidable, federal regulators indicate that levels should not exceed 2 parts per billion (ppb). Health experts worldwide have known for years that benzene causes cancer, and the FDA says it should not be used to make drugs or drug products.
However, side effects of benzene in sunscreen may pose serious health risks, especially among individuals who regularly apply products containing unsafe levels of the chemical directly to their skin or breath benzene released by the sunscreen. by volume, and is used to make numerous products.

It is one of the top 20 chemicals manufactured in the U.S. While sunscreen is intended to help reduce the risk of skin cancer, a number of popular sunscreen products have been found to contain benzene, which is a known human carcinogen that may cause a number of different types of blood cancers.īenzene is a colorless or light yellow liquid which is highly flammable and evaporates quickly. Product liability lawyers are now reviewing sunscreen cancer lawsuits for individuals diagnosed with several different types of leukemia, lymphoma or other cancer caused by benzene, including: In August 2022, the FDA added warnings about the risks of benzene sunscreen contamination to its summer sun safety guide for consumers. However, independent testing has confirmed benzene in sunscreen sold by a number of different companies in recent years. A few months later, a Coppertone sunscreen recall was issued for similar reasons. In July 2021, Johnson & Johnson issued an Aveeno and Nuetrogene sunscreen recall after confirming that users may be exposed to dangerous levels of benzene. Following the discovery of dangerous levels of benzene in Neutrogena, Aveeno, Coppertone and other popular sunscreen, lawsuits are being pursued for consumers diagnosed with cancer that may be caused their sunscreen.